Machine Learning

Development Tools:

The project was done using Python and Jupyter Notebook. Some libraries include, but are not limited to:


Project-related information:

For in-depth information on the complete project, click the "Visit" button above.

This is a project where I had to implement my own code that performs nested cross-validation and the k-nearest neighbour ML algorithm, build confusion matrices, and estimate distances between data samples.

The purpose of this project was to help me:

  • Get familiar with common Python modules/functions used for ML in Python
  • Get practical experience implementing ML methods in Python
  • Get practical experience regarding parameter selection for ML methods
  • Get practical experience in evaluating ML methods and applying cross-validation


The K Nearest Neighbor algorithm is a supervised machine learning algorithm that relies on labelled input data to a function that assigns the appropriate label to new unlabelled data.

There are a couple of basic steps that need to be taken into account in order for the algorithm to work and these are:

  • Calculate the distance between the unlabelled data and the labelled data. (Euclidean Distance in my implementation)
  • Add the distance to an ordered collection.
  • Sort the data.
  • Pick the first K entries from the ordered collection.
  • Get the labels for the selected points.


Below is a screenshot of the grid plot with the different properties of the wine dataset that was used in the project.