Mobile Weather App

Project-related information:

I built this mobile weather application using React Native and Expo.
In addition to the weather data, the App also features a map, which will show you either your current location based on the GPS coordinates of your phone, or a selected location as chosen by the user.
The background image will also update automatically based on your GPS or chosen location.

Below are some screenshots of the application based on New York as the position of choice.
The image on the far right shows how you can add locations that you'd like to monitor to the application.


Development Tools:

I used React Native with Expo which allows you to run and test the application on your phone within the Expo app.
Expo has a location library that makes it easy to use the location services and get the GPS coordinate of the phone.
Once the coordinates are determined it's used with the request to the OpenWeather API which is the weather data provider.
A request is also sent to Google Places, which will return an image URL based on the coordinates, which is then used as the background image.

Below are some examples of the background image based on different locations
From left to right we have Abu Dhabi, Rome and New York.



Below is also a video demonstration of the application running on an Android phone.