Silver Foxes

Languages & tools:
  • Pyhton
  • Django
  • MySQL
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Jquery
  • AJAX


Platform-related information:

Silver Foxes started as my final project for the University of London but is a platform that I continued to develop after the completion of the module.

The project was built using the Django full-stack framework, which is an open-source, Python-based framework. Django utilizes a Model View Template architecture and uses MySQL for the database.

The idea behind the project is to empower day traders with the tools needed to become a better and more consistent trader. The foundation being a good journaling system and a good way to visualize and analyze trade data. Traders like to learn from the experience of others, so the platform features social media-like characteristics.

The platform consists of 5 sections, namely:

  1. Traders Wall
  2. The SKULK
  3. The DEN
  4. Socials
  5. Leaderboard

The Traders Wall is very similar in design to a social media platform like Twitter. Traders journal their trades during the day and have the option to make their trades public. If they do, the trades would appear on the Traders Wall where other traders can see and review it. Traders can then provide feedback to your journal entry in the form of comments.

The SKULK is a documentation system that helps traders keep their documentation clean an organized. It's designed to be similar to the an operating system such as Windows, where it utilizes a folder structure and users have the flexibility to move documents in and out of folders.

The DEN is where the traders can import their trading data, which will be automatically processed and visualized in charts and graphs.

Socials enable traders to connect with other traders and feature chat rooms, a direct messaging system, notifications and a friends and mentor list.

The Leaderboard brings a bit of competition to the platform and gives traders that perform well a place of recognition.


Server-related information:

There are quite a few components that go into running the application.
These include, but are not limited to:

  • Apache2
  • Nginx
  • Redis
  • Daphne
  • Ubuntu (Linux)